To be named is to exist.
A name, a title, is a sign of resepct - Ms., Sir, Ma'am, Mr. President, Auntie, Grandfather, Love. What you call someone shows your respect and degree of intimacy and familiarity. One may jokingly call a younger sibling 'Stupid' after a display of extreme lack of intelligence, but would never dream of callling one's boss such a thing, correct? Even babies go through this - one may call a baby nearly anything, but has a special name for one's own child. Babies will form attachments and begin calling people by the first title they will ever learn - mama and daddy.
A name has meaning. Pick up a baby name book and you'll find thousands of entries, each with a meaning behind the word. Look up your own name - what does it mean? Why did your parents name you such? Was it for the sound, the meaning, to honor a relative or person? There's always a reason, a story, behind every name.
Every nickname, or person who goes by another name, has a story. The story may be as simple as it's easier to say, but it is still a story! Perhaps they had a viable reason to change their name, like they don't believe their name fits them anymore. Some simply dislike their name, perhaps for the connotations, sound, or memories. I say that if the person has a viable reason to change their name, they should, but one should not change their name on a whim. Nicknames also fall under this category - a nickname is a familiar name with a meaning and often amusing story behind it that changes as you grow. A nickname is arguably a truer name than that your parents gave you, since it describes you at that very moment.
Mayhap a nickname commemorates a life change. Many women still change their last names to that of their husband's upon marriage, and take on the title 'Mrs.' Though I personally don't agree with the practice, it still has a meaning and a story, and honors their husband and his family, therefore a viable reason to change a name. Perhaps to even things out men should change their last names to that of their wife's family, so as to honor them?
For whatever reason you wish to change your name, your name is still a part of you. Your name is your Self. To be otherwise named is to be different.
I disagree with Shakespeare - a rose by any other name would not smell as sweet. If a rose was called 'turd' and the word 'turd' retained it's original meaning, it would carry all the connotations of the word turd. Even if the meanings were changed overnight, the connotations would remain. Our thoughts shape the world. I knew a person once who, even with confronted with direct evidence, denied the existence of flat-bottomed clouds. Flat-bottomed clouds simply did not exist in their world. People would deny the sweetness of a rose for it's name of 'turd.'
Perhaps those of you who have read fantasies, or the Eragon/Eldest series by Christopher Paolini have stumbled across the idea of a true name. The theory runs that to know the true name of an object, or person, is to describe and control it, and it alone. Ursula K. LeGuin has explored a similar theory, with the idea that a person must keep their true name secret from all, therefore giving them a protection from magical control.
As Arthur Miller said in his play 'The Crucible,' ". . . it is my name . . . I cannot have another in my life! . . . How may I live without my name?" A name is perhaps the most important thing one may own - even if you've nothing else to your name.
Emeraude Sautereau
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dear Lily...
Salutations all. For my loyal readers, I apologize for my extended absence. To new comers, welcome. My name is Lily. This post is designed to give people advice that may be published on "The Cat's Ear" blog. Be sure that when you write, you use an alias. Like "Hopelessly Devoted". If you do not want our conversation to be posted, please let me know. I will keep everything completely confidential. You can write to me at
Lot's of love,
Monday, December 8, 2008
Lily, if you are reading this, it means that all the problems have been cleared up with the account.
Emeraude Sautereau
The Cat's Ear
Emeraude Sautereau
The Cat's Ear
Friday, November 7, 2008
Historic Election, Part Two
Congratulations to Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. I will not be posting any biographical information regarding President-Elect Obama here, as I am sure one is more than able to find information using the internet, a library, and the media, i.e. newspapers, radio, etc. However, I do wish him the best of luck and offer my hopes that he will be able to correct the economic depression and end US dependence on foreign oil, or any oil whatsoever.
I also hope that his two daughters will be able to continue typical, uninterrupted lives despite their father's Presidency. They deserve to continue their lives as their father serves the public.
Again, best wishes to the next First Family, and Joe Biden and his family.
My only fervent wish, however, is to see California's Proposition 8 overturned for its unconstitutionality by the Supreme Court. Whether or not you agree with gay marriage, equality for all was one of the basic principles the United States was based on. Everyone deserves the same treatment.
I also hope that his two daughters will be able to continue typical, uninterrupted lives despite their father's Presidency. They deserve to continue their lives as their father serves the public.
Again, best wishes to the next First Family, and Joe Biden and his family.
My only fervent wish, however, is to see California's Proposition 8 overturned for its unconstitutionality by the Supreme Court. Whether or not you agree with gay marriage, equality for all was one of the basic principles the United States was based on. Everyone deserves the same treatment.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Historic Election
With McCain's announcement of his Vice President choice, the 'equality' of the 2008 American elections have been restored. No matter who wins, this will be a historic election: the oldest candidate ever, the first woman vice president, the first non-white president. However, there will still not have been a non-white, non-male candidate. We say that we are more equal and free, but it has been jokingly said that no matter who wins, they'll get shot. What type of country is this, that this fact is a joke, worse, an accepted reality? When will we see through this all, and move to a truly equal state?
Everyone supposedly has equal rights, but how many little girls dreaming of being president have had their dreams crushed simply for their sex?
Everyone supposedly has equal rights, but how many little girls dreaming of being president have had their dreams crushed simply for their sex?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Vacation Extension
The Cat's Ear will be on vacation until the week of August 1, 2008. we hope you enjoy your summer.
Emeraude Sautereau
The Cat's Ear
Emeraude Sautereau
The Cat's Ear
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Cat's Ear will not be issued next Monday due to vacationing. It will resume the next Monday, the 30 of June.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Apparently, gmail doesn't like our pictures. The HotSpots image was deleted, and cannot be found. As it is crucial to the magazine, here it is. Have fun.

Welcome, readers, to The Cat's Ear's new home! We will, of course, continue our weekly newsletter through email. This will serve as 'forums,' testing grounds, poll collection site, etc, etc.
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Emeraude Sautereau,
The Cat's Ear
Get reading!
Emeraude Sautereau,
The Cat's Ear
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